Second Babies
I must say, when my son was born 3 years ago, I was very
overwhelmed! Being a mama was a huge adjustment compared to the sleep filled / cocktail
hour and coffee break existence I`d known up until then. Presently,
I’ve also gotten used to too little sleep and public temper tantrums. But with my daughter, I’ve already been
broken in so I can just enjoy. I sometimes
feel like I`m playing dolly! Man are
babies cute! My challenge is to ensure I
have the ‘me’ time I need to do my pump
set changes. Also, not to get distracted
on my way to fixing a low. (which has happened a few times...)
Breastfeeding and Diabetes
It’s so hard to maintain smooth decent blood sugars when you
breastfeed! Basically, I cannot
anticipate how often a newborn needs to nurse.
Nor the impact each particular feed has on my levels.
If the baby has a growth spurt and needs to feed often, I
find myself facing many lows in the vicinity of low 3’s high 2’s mmol/L
If I don’t feed regularly, I find myself with 14mmol/L
Quite the challenge.
I feel like I’m back on the rollercoaster ride of feeding
lows like with multiple daily injections since you cannot program a pump for a
trend you cannot foresee.
So now what do I do? Test often and correct as needed.
Flu shot and diabetes
So I went and got my flu shot. People with diabetes are considered vulnerable. But honestly, I did it for my baby girl, so
that she would get the antibodies while I breastfeed. The consequence on my blood sugars was
ugly! I ad to increase my insulin by
Creating antibodies manifests as sugar in the blood stream.

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