Are all carbs
the same?
When I give myself a dose of insulin in order to eat
something, I count the carbs and then inject for them. Whether it’s rice, Quinoa, couscous, pasta,
potatoes, bread or fruit, the ratio of carb to insulin is the same.
So that means:
Supper #1
I have Tilapia
with couscous and broccoli
1cup cooked couscous is 36g of carbs,
1 cup steamed broccoli florets is 10g of carbs
1 1/2 Tilapia fillet: protein
o For supper, I
1.5units of insulin for every 10g of carb I eat
o so
that’s 46g of carbs
o a
dose of 7units of insulin
How crafty can I be staying within my daily carb
See, I’m a chocoholic, not a carb-a-holic
How about I tweak my supper just a bit and eat:
Supper #2
The fish: protein
1 cup steamed broccoli florets : 10g of carbs
1 entire 35g bar of 70% Lindt dark chocolate
The chocolate is 12g for the entire bar and 3g of protein
AND 15g of fat too…but isn’t dark chocolate healthy? Like the chocolate equivalent of celery,
Let’s just say it is because I really want to eat that
SO, that’s22g of carbs total.
See, it seems like a better choice than the couscous!
(However, the trick is to not turn around and then eat
the couscous too!)
Did I eat that
or not?
Carb counting confusion
Every morning I prepare breakfast for my children and me.
My son immediately chooses the sugary sweet artificially
colored cereal, which he thinks he
likes but often just plays with. I pour
him a small portion and then I toast a few slices of bread:
o for
my 1 year old to eat (and stick on her head and throw onto the floor)
2 slices for me to butter while hot and eat
while deliciously fragrant and dripping butter
Our current favorite is Bon Matin flax seed bread, so for 2 slices ...

For breakfast I dose 1.2 units of insulin for every 10g
of carb I eat, so that’s 3.6 units of insulin
BUT!!! It smells so good that my son declares ‘I’m
jealous, I want hot buttered toast too!!’
So happily I give him half a slice(don’t want to
overwhelm him), then the little one wants to taste my toast so I offer her a
few bites here and there. If I’m lucky,
my son devours it and snatches the second half
We are all fed and happy and full of crumbs
…and then I get to work and go LOW!!!!! Because I forgot
to replenish the carb value of my lost slice!
I NEVER thought I would EVER be too busy to eat!!!!!!
Had I known I could have eaten more chocolate!
Man, do I love chocolate